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If your life has been touched by autism for a minute, an hour, a lifetime, welcome to the “club”. This forum is dedicated to all of you whether you have autism, your family member has it or you have simply been exposed to it at some point in your life.

The primary objectives of this page is two-fold.

First, it is intended to inspire people to view autism as something that reaches all of us. It goes beyond the person who actually has the diagnosis, it affects all who come in contact with it, especially families. For parents, autism is something that demands a tremendous amount of our attention and therefore, if allowed, it can intervene in all aspects of our lives. If allowed, it can tear families apart when family unity is never more important. It can distract us from taking care of ourselves and other family members and can ruin relationships. It can destroy careers and bring people to financial ruin and much, much more. The idea is to promote balance in peoples’ lives rather than allow autism to consume it.

The second objective is to promote tolerance, not only for people with autism, but for all those who are involved with it. We, as parents, did not choose autism, it chose us. If it is has affected you, even for just a moment, it is autism’s way of choosing you. It is all of our responsibility, not only as family members of people with autism, but as a community and society to make the best of it. By creating understanding of what a family endures once a child is diagnosed with autism, my hope is that some relief can come to them because outside influences can create an even heavier burden upon those parents that have a very challenging task of managing a family with an autistic child.

One disturbing statistic that I have heard is that:

80% of marriages of parents with an autistic child end in divorce.

While I have not confirmed the accuracy of that number, nor do I yet know where it was derived, I know from experience that it is divorces is very common among parents in the autism community. It serves as a an indicator of what type of pressure is added to a family once autism has entered their life.

Divorce can have a devastating impact upon the couple, their autistic child and their siblings that has long-lasting affects. My heart bleeds for these families and for what many single parents must endure with managing a family with autism with a compromised support system.

Thank you for your attention and I am honored by your visit to this site.

6 responses to “Welcome

  1. I love how you have this set up. A section for fun, and for the nightmares. We need to admit and deal with both! All positive and you live in denial and miss something you may need to take care of; all negative and you’re losing sight of the wonderfulness of your child and drown in the negativity. Thank you for realizing the need for both outlets! 🙂

  2. Yours too, those pics say it all, don’t they?!!

  3. What a great thing you are doing here Randy! I love how honest you are. I hope many people find this page ~ not only families with autism but everyone. I think it’s important people learn how everyone is different. In the end, everyone just needs love ❤

  4. Thank you for the kind words. We’ve been doing this for 14 years and many are just beginning the journey or are right in the thick of it. I hope I can help someone.

Thank you for posting.